Mutsuko Kuribayashi et al. 2023Clinical influence of multiplex PCR routine uses in urgent pediatric admissions



The coronavirus disease 2019 outbreak has prompted some hospitals to implement screening tests upon admission since 2019. FilmArrayR Respiratory 2.1 Panel (FilmArray) is a multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test with high sensitivity and specificity for detecting respiratory pathogens. We aimed to assess the clinical influence of FilmArray routine use for pediatric patients, including those without symptoms suggestive of an infection.

FilmArrayR Respiratory 2.1 Panel(FilmArray)は、呼吸器病原体を検出するための高い感度と特異性を有する多重ポリメラーゼ連鎖反応(PCR)検査である。


We conducted a single-center retrospective observational study, which investigated patients aged ≤15 years who underwent FilmArray on admission in 2021. We collected the patients' epidemiological information, symptoms, and FilmArray results from their electronic health records.



A positive result was observed in 58.6% of patients admitted to the general ward or intensive care unit (ICU) but only in 1.5% of patients in the neonatal ward. Among the patients admitted to the general ward or ICU who tested positive, 93.3% had symptoms suggestive of infections, 44.6% had a sick contact before admission, and 70.5% had siblings. However, 62 (28.2%) out of 220 patients without the four (fever, respiratory, gastrointestinal, and dermal) symptoms also had positive results. Among them, 18 patients with adenovirus and three with respiratory syncytial virus were isolated to private rooms. However, 12 (57.1%) patients were discharged without symptoms suggestive of viral infection.



Multiplex PCR routine use for all inpatients may lead to excessive management of positive cases because FilmArray cannot quantify microorganisms. Thus, targets for testing should be considered carefully based on patients' symptoms and histories of sick contacts.

FilmArrayは微生物を定量化できないため、Multiplex PCRを全入院患者にルーチン使用すると、陽性症例の管理が過剰になる可能性がある。


The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak in December 2019 prompted some hospitals to implement screening tests such as polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and rapid antigen tests on admission for infection control. FilmArray Respiratory 2.1 Panel (FilmArray, Biomerieux) is a multiplex PCR test that can identify 21 microorganisms in nasopharyngeal swab fluid with 98% sensitivity and 100% specificity. The turnaround time required for sample preparation, amplification, detection, and analysis is approximately 45 min, allowing the rapid and accurate identification of various microorganisms. FilmArray has also been reported to be useful in detecting severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). In the pediatric setting, FilmArray was performed on patients with respiratory tract infections admitted to general wards and intensive care units (ICU) and led to epidemiological analysis, appropriate antimicrobial use, and shorter hospital stays.

FilmArray Respiratory 2.1 Panel(FilmArray、Biomerieux社)は、鼻咽頭ぬぐい液中の21種類の微生物を感度98%、特異度100%で同定できるマルチプレックスPCR検査である。

However, no reports on the positive rates or distribution of microorganisms using FilmArray for pediatric patients, including those admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) and those without symptoms of infection, have been published in Japan. We therefore evaluated the clinical influence of FilmArray routine use for pediatric emergency admissions at a single institution.




We conducted a single-center retrospective observational study at the Japanese Red Cross Society Himeji Hospital (JRCSHH). The study period was between January 1 and December 31, 2021. This was the pre-omicron period, and the number of new positive COVID-19 cases under 10 years old per month was approximately 2% of those in the omicron period.


Patients and settings

Himeji City will have approximately 530,000 people (including 72,800 children under 15?years of age) by October 2022. The JRCSHH is a secondary emergency hospital with 555 beds, including 50 in the pediatric ward, 10 in the ICU, 18 in the NICU, and 24 in the growing care unit (GCU), with approximately 2500 neonatal and pediatric admissions annually. During the COVID-19 pandemic in 2021, FilmArray tests were performed on most unscheduled admissions in the pediatric department, even in asymptomatic patients. When SARS-CoV-2 was detected, patients were isolated, and the medical staff was required to wear appropriate personal protective equipment. Patients with specific microorganisms transmitted via droplets or contact infection, such as adenovirus (ADV), influenza virus, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), Mycoplasma pneumoniae, and Bordetella pertussis, were also isolated in single-patient rooms (12 rooms in the pediatric ward and two in the ICU), even in cases without typical symptoms. When other viruses were detected, we tried to isolate even asymptomatic patients from those with negative tests or different microorganisms. We also assigned asymptomatic and symptomatic patients with the same microorganism to different rooms whenever possible.


Our study included patients aged ≤15 years admitted to JRCSHH who underwent FilmArray using nasopharyngeal swab fluid on admission (including patients admitted multiple times) during the study period. We excluded scheduled hospitalizations, such as patients undergoing elective surgery, because they were only tested for SARS-CoV-2 using the loop-mediated isothermal amplification method. FilmArray was also not performed on most patients diagnosed with COVID-19 using PCR testing at other institutions or those born in our hospital.

ただし、SARS-CoV-2の検査はloop-mediated isothermal amplification法のみであったため、待機手術患者などの予定入院患者は除外した。

Data collection

We retrospectively obtained the following information from the electronic health records: age, sex, admission ward, diagnosis, presence of siblings, presence of sick contact before hospitalization, presence of four primary symptoms suggestive of infection (fever, respiratory, gastrointestinal, and dermal symptoms), and FilmArray results. Five pediatricians evaluated these symptoms based on descriptions in the electronic health records.


Statistical analysis and ethical consideration

We compared FilmArray positive and negative cases using the Mann-Whitney U-test and χ2 tests for continuous and categorical variables, respectively. We estimated crude odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence interval (CI). We performed binomial logistic regression analysis for variables with significant differences in these tests and calculated adjusted OR and 95% CI. All statistical analyses were conducted using EZR ver.1.61 (Saitama Medical Center, Jichi Medical University, Saitama, Japan), which is a graphical user interface for R ver.4.1.0 (The R Foundation for Statistical Computing). Two-tailed p-values <0.05 were considered statistically significant. This study was approved by the institutional ethics committees of JRCSHH (approval number 2021-44).

連続変数はMann-Whitney U検定、カテゴリー変数はχ2検定を用いてFilmArray陽性例と陰性例を比較した。
統計解析はすべてR ver.4.1.0(The R Foundation for Statistical Computing)のGUIであるEZR ver.1.61(自治医科大学附属さいたま医療センター)を用いて行った。


There were 3083 admissions (including scheduled admissions) to our facility for patients aged 15 and under during this period (700 neonatal ward admissions and 2383 pediatric ward or ICU admissions), of which 1769 patients underwent testing with FilmArray (Figure 1).


Table 1 summarizes patient characteristics. The median (range) age of patients admitted to the NICU/GCU was 0 days (0-150 days); 57.4% were males, and most were diagnosed with transient tachypnea and respiratory distress syndrome. The median (interquartile range, IQR) age of the patients admitted to the general ward or ICU was 2 years (0-5 years), and 54.9% were males. Respiratory tract infections accounted for most diagnoses during admission. Patients were also admitted for non-infectious conditions, such as Kawasaki disease, surgical diseases, and trauma. Of 1574 general ward or ICU admissions, 922 patients (58.6%) were positive for FilmArray. Only three (1.5%) of 195 patients admitted to the NICU/GCU tested positive for FilmArray, which detected SARS-CoV-2 (day 0), RSV (day 7), and human parainfluenza virus (HPIV) 3 (day 0). We confirmed that further tests using loop-mediated isothermal amplification for the patient with SARS-CoV-2 were negative twice. An additional rapid antigen test for the patient with RSV, to estimate the risk of horizontal transmission to other patients, was negative. No patients presented with symptoms suggestive of viral infection within 48 h of a positive test; we therefore lifted the cohort isolation and thoroughly continued standard precautions.


Table 2 compares the positive and negative FilmArray results for 1574 patients admitted to the general ward or ICU. The median (IQR) age of the positive cases was 1 year (0-4 years), and younger than that of the negative cases, 4 years (0-9 years) (p<0.001). Among the 922 positive cases, 93.3% had symptoms suggestive of infection; 44.6% had sick contact before admission, and 70.5% had siblings. These three characteristics were significantly more frequent in positive cases than in negative cases (p<0.001 for all). All information was available for binomial logistic regression analysis for 1247 cases (test-positive: 765 cases; test-negative: 482 cases). It revealed that there were more patients with symptoms (adjusted OR 2.14, 95% CI [1.40-3.27], p<0.001) and sick contacts (adjusted OR 4.61, 95% CI [3.39-6.28], p<0.001) in the positive than the negative cases (Table 3).


Figure 2 presents the percentage of microorganisms detected in 1574 patients monthly. Rhinovirus/enterovirus (RV/EV) was detected throughout the year, and HPIV3 and RSV were detected at higher rates from April to May and June to July 2021, respectively. Influenza virus, human metapneumovirus, human coronavirus (HCoV) 229E, HCoV HKU1, and B. pertussis were not detected.

インフルエンザウイルス、ヒトメタニューモウイルス、ヒトコロナウイルス(HCoV)229E、HCoV HKU1、百日咳菌は検出されなかった。

Table 4 shows the number of microorganisms detected according to age. Microorganisms were most frequently detected in patients aged 1-3 years (77.0%), and RV/EV were the most commonly detected (34.8%) in all patients. Regarding microorganisms detected by diagnosis, RSV and HPIV3 were more frequently detected in patients with lower respiratory tract infections. In contrast, ADV was more frequently detected in patients with upper respiratory tract infections (Table 5).


Table 6 presents the positive rate of FilmArray based on clinical symptoms at admission. Patients with fever (66.4%) and respiratory symptoms (84.0%) were more often positive for FilmArray. However, 48.9% of patients without fever >38°C and 28.2% without the four symptoms (fever, respiratory, gastrointestinal, and dermal) were also positive. Of the 80 organisms detected in the 62 patients who did not present with any of the four symptoms, RV/EV (49; 61.3%), ADV (18; 22.5%), HPIV 3 (7; 8.8%), RSV (3; 3.7%), HCoV OC43 (2; 2.5%), and HPIV 1 (1; 1.2%) were detected. Furthermore, 18 patients with ADV and three with RSV were isolated. However, nine out of 18 (50%) and three out of three (100%) patients were discharged without developing symptoms suggestive of viral infection. Of the nine patients with ADV infection who developed symptoms, one was diagnosed with Kawasaki disease and the other with periodic fever.

4症状のいずれをも示さなかった62人の患者から検出された80菌のうち、RV/EV、ADV、HPIV 3、RSV、HCoV OC43、HPIV 1が検出された。


Our retrospective observational study revealed that FilmArray performed on 1769 patients on unscheduled admission was positive in 58.6% (922 of 1574 patients) admitted to the pediatric ward or ICU and only 1.5% (3 of 154 patients) of those admitted to the neonatal ward.


As described in a previous report, microorganisms were most frequently detected in patients aged 1-3 years in our study. Furthermore, microorganisms were more often present in symptomatic patients, consistent with the findings of a study that observed a higher viral load in symptomatic patients than in asymptomatic patients. Most infectious diseases are transmitted by droplets or contact infections. Transmission therefore increases when there are symptomatic individuals around them, including siblings, but there was also the report that having siblings itself increased the risk of respiratory tract infection. In this study, there were significantly more patients with sick contacts in the positive group than in the negative group after adjusting the potential confounders. We found that EV/RV was detected throughout the year, while the proportion of HPIV3 and RSV varied with the season. Furthermore, non-enveloped viruses, such as EV/RV, continued to be detected after the COVID-19 pandemic, possibly due to viral properties. In Japan, many HPIV3 cases were detected in June 2021, and outbreaks in nursery schools have also been reported. In addition, there have been reports of RSV resurgence in August 2021 after the COVID-19 pandemic. Based on the above findings, the trends of both viruses in our study indicate the Japanese pandemic. As severe RSV and HPIV3 infections are more likely to cause bronchiolitis and pneumonia, we observed that they were detected more frequently in lower respiratory tract infections in hospitalized patients in this study.


Based on this study, the routine use of FilmArray for all inpatients may lead to over management for positive cases due to its inability to quantify microorganisms. We detected microorganisms in approximately 30% of patients with no findings suggestive of infection. In a previous study, microorganisms were detected in 26.7%-41.7% of pediatric patients without fever or respiratory tract symptoms using nucleic acid and PCR tests. The most frequently detected microorganisms were RV/EV, ADV, and HCoV (HKU1, NL63, 229E, or OC43). In contrast, RSV was less commonly detected in asymptomatic patients, consistent with our findings. Virus detection in asymptomatic patients does not depend on infectivity and viruses may be detected long after infection. For instance, RV has been detected in asymptomatic patients for up to 3 months. FilmArray's disadvantage is that it cannot quantify microorganisms, making it difficult to estimate the infectivity. For example, even if the threshold cycle of SARS-CoV-2 exceeded, FilmArray detected SARS-CoV-2 with high sensitivity without clear evidence of infectivity. As with other microorganisms, a positive FilmArray result does not indicate that the organism is infectious. In our study, positive FilmArray results without symptoms may have led to excessive infection control regardless of infectivity. Among the 21 asymptomatic patients (18 with ADV and 3 with RSV) on admission who were isolated in private rooms throughout their hospitalization, 12 (57.1%) were discharged without developing symptoms of infection. Previous reports have also described the possibility that positive PCR test results may lead to negative consequences, such as unnecessary isolation of hospitalized patients. Furthermore, in our study, only three patients admitted to the NICU/GCU had positive FilmArray results, two of which had additional negative tests. Neonates have infrequent contact with infected patients immediately after birth. Routine FilmArray may therefore be unnecessary in neonates, except in cases of high pretest probability, such as having an infected mother or in facilities with outbreaks.


Our study had five limitations. First, it was a retrospective observational study conducted at a single institution. A multicenter case series is therefore needed to generalize our findings. Second, we could not evaluate the necessity for the FilmArray as a screening test because we did not assess cost-effectiveness and whether the microorganisms were transmitted to other patients from test-positive asymptomatic patients in a non-single room. Third, most patients diagnosed with COVID-19 before admission were excluded from the study. Microorganisms co-infected with SARS-CoV-2 have not been adequately evaluated because FilmArray was not performed in 15 COVID-19 cases. Fourth, we could not confirm the symptoms after discharge in patients isolated from private rooms. Finally, because infection control policies vary based on facility, our department's policy of isolating asymptomatic patients with ADV or RSV may have been excessive compared to other institutions. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines in the US recommend private room isolation for those infected by droplet- or contact-transmitted microorganisms. Nevertheless, all Japanese hospitals may face infection control challenges owing to the limited number of private rooms and medical staff. In the event that FilmArray detects unexpected microorganisms, infection control rules must be carefully considered.



We evaluated the clinical influence of routine FilmArray for pediatric emergency admissions. FilmArray helps identify various microorganisms with high sensitivity and specificity. However, because FilmArray cannot quantify microorganisms, its routine use for all inpatients may lead to excessive management of positive cases. Its adaptation should therefore be considered.

